About the course:

Thank you for your interest in Foundations of Strength Training. Enrollment will open for our upcoming cohort in early March 2023, with a program start date of April 17, 2023. I hope that you are able to join!

By clicking the button below, you can download the FREE Level 01 Guidebook. This guidebook will give you a more in depth understanding of what we will be covering in Level 01.

Who is this program for?

Foundations of Strength Training is for busy, working moms who want to learn to strength train, but have struggled in the past with adopting a consistent strength training routine due to lack of time, lack of energy, feeling intimidated, or lack of knowledge of where to begin.

How is this program different from other strength training programs available today?

For starters, this course was designed with you (the busy, working mom) in mind, by me- a certified personal trainer, nutrition counselor, behavior change coach, and fellow busy mom! As a full-time single mom, business owner, and homeschool parent, I certainly understand what it means to be busy! But I also understand how absolutely important it is to find the time for health and fitness. You are better parent, partner, friend, and leader when you do!

Secondly, this program is set up in a way that allows you to begin as a complete novice to strength training and leave with a solid foundation on how to lift to increase strength, prevent injury, and progress to more challenging fitness goals through a combination of 1:1 (in person) and self-paced workouts.

Third, having been in this industry for over a decade, I have seen that learning how to strength train is not enough to guarantee success, especially for busy moms. (We are no longer in our young 20's with countless hours to go to the gym or research new routines...) In order to exponentially increase our likelihood of success, it is also important to pay attention to time-management, habit formation, mindset, and boundary setting. These are all woven into Level 01 of this program.

I invite you to dive into the free Level 01 Guidebook for yourself to learn more and see if this program is the perfect fit for you.


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